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Maternity and Labor Law Charter

* Breastfeeding privacy and coverage are respected at all stages of labor and delivery.

* Shiva and Enema act on the mother's request and refuse to perform the routine.

* If the pregnant mother refuses to undergo a vaginal examination by the male physician, she will act on her request.

* During the examination by the male physician, the female staff is present with the pregnant mother.

* In cases where the mother is considered to be a low-risk group, she is allowed to move freely during the labor process.

* In cases where the mother is considered to be a low-risk group, she may be given cold or hot drinks or soft drinks at the discretion of the physician.

* Trained in all stages of labor and delivery, she is permitted to be with the maternal grandmother.

* Maternal consent is obtained after using medication methods to reduce labor pain, after giving an explanation of its benefits and disadvantages.

* Routine use of inducers is avoided and use is only based on indication and after providing explanations and obtaining maternal consent.

* After giving the necessary explanation about the types of delivery (natural and cesarean section) the mother is given the right choice.

* Cesarean delivery is based on indication.

* Episiotomy is performed only on indication and is not routinely performed.

* Immediately after delivery, the baby is placed in the mother's arms.